NFT Land & Real Estate

Players are be able to start investing with the appealing real estate resources of Osimi City. The land and mineral rights are profitable real estate deals that can be purchased with OSI token. Players will spend a large amount of money to purchase property on the outskirts of Osimi City. Property owners will be develop that land. They will also act as community leaders. They will be responsible for creating and developing their own economies and ecosystems.

Profit from Real Estate

Construction work on land results in price increases. Multiple construction projects next to each other result in an increase in value for the area. Landowners can lease land to developers for the purpose of making a profit.



The background space expands the player's reach and play


Only background spaces that are not owned by anyone can be purchased


Value increases when land is desirable and has a high urban score.

Profitable Real Estate


Continual passive income generation


Own land and achieve a certain urban level


Real estate value increases with urban points


Players can start their businesses with a small house in Osimi City. From there, players will then move to office spaces, factories, amusement parks, shopping and entertainment buildings, and resorts. The only requirement is to buy structures (buildings) with OSI tokens. The more business services are invested, the higher the profit.

Below are the business models in Osimi City:


Player can have a furnished residence and is allowed to invite guests. Identify the owner of the land.


The owner of land and building may rent to other players.



Player can have a furnished residence and is allowed to invite guests. Identify the owner of the land.


The owner of land and building may rent to other players.

Buildings, Offices


Commercial billboards and urban upgrades.


Urban level upgrades help the entire city on land to increase level and increase ad price.

Amusement, Entertainment, and Resort Areas


Create communities and increase the value of all nearby buildings.


Setting up an entertainment area makes the city living space more convenient, making the prices of neighboring properties and buildings higher.

Last updated